Preparation ! Preparation! and Preparation!
Now is the time to start getting ready for the October 31 tax return deadline.
As a Small Business Owner , Sole Trader, Director or Landlord/Investor, whether you plan to compile and submit your returns yourself or have an accountant or tax specialist do the work for you, now is the time to start ensuring you have all the information you will need…
- Make sure your business accounts for your 2024 year end are complete and your VAT returns are up to date.
- Compile all your medical expenses for the year.
- Have details of any Pension contributions to hand.
- Are you in Employment? Get your employment record for 2024 from your “MyAccount” accessed via
- Do you pay home care for a loved one? Have ready your home care agency statements for the year.
- If you own rental properties any expenses allowable must relate to purchase, repair and maintenance of the property.
- Are you a proprietary director? Do you own 15% or more of a company? If so, you are obliged to submit an income tax return.
- Have you sold any assets including shares and investments in 2024? .
- An estimate of preliminary tax payable – usually based on 100% of the previous year’s tax.